PPC ads help promote businesses and need to be given much priority in SEO activities. The focus is on SEO promotional activities, and PPC ads and businessmen do ensure that SEO activities are on professional lines.

Business is successful if the product being sold is well known, and thus promotional activities are important. If having an amazing product or service, but no one knows about it, will the business be able to exist? Certainly not.

Increasing one’s search engine results page (SERP) visibility today, where everyone can see it, is indeed essential. The two choices are: spending on pay-per-click (PPC) campaigns or investing in organic search engine optimization (SEO).

What is SEO?

SEO happens to be the practice of increasing one’s SERP visibility. In other words, it is the process of ensuring one’s website is as search engine-friendly as possible.

Paid and organic showdown: investing in PPC ads and SEO 3

People are indeed looking out for several things on the web, including:

  • Products
  • Services
  • Information

Organic SEO methods do help ensure that when people search for one’s business, they can find it.

SEO Campaigns

Be it hiring a search engine optimization consultant or taking the DIY route, optimizing for organic search engine rankings typically includes these activities:

  • Keyword research is a strategy. Identifying the right words and phrases that people use to search for one’s product or service is essential.
  • Link building.
  • On-page SEO: Optimizing one’s website’s content and structure to help search engines better understand what to offer.
  • Technical SEO ensures the site’s hosting and architecture are up to snuff so search engines can crawl and also rank on pages.

SEO campaigns help people in the area find a business venture.

What is PPC?

Unlike SEO, PPC leverages paid traffic generation tactics like search engine marketing and display advertising. This does imply the person will pay for one’s clicks or impressions instead of organically earning them.

If bidding on Google, one’s PPC ad will have these parts:

  • Headline: A short, attention-grabbing sentence.
  • Description: A few lines of text that do explain what the person is offering.
  • Display URL: The web address where one’s ad will lead to.
  • Call to action: A prompt encouraging readers to click the ad, like “Learn More” or “Shop Now.”

Advertisers need to consider utilizing PPC at all phases of their strategy, no matter where they are in the life cycle of their business. PPC campaigns can indeed be constructed based on the level of awareness of a consumer and where they are located in their respective customer journey.

What’s inside a PPC strategy?

Managing SEO campaigns involves:
  • With keyword research and also strategies like SEO, a person needs to identify the right keywords in order to target their PPC campaigns.
  • A/B split testing, which runs in two versions of an ad to determine which performs better.
  • Landing page conversion does create a high-converting page where people will land when they click on the ad.
  • PPC management involves tracking one’s campaigns’ performance and making adjustments as per need.

PPC does work best towards the bottom of the funnel and is also typically the final driver for conversions. In other words, if a business wants to drive leads through eCommerce, PPC does need to be a part of the strategy.

To increase their sales and streamline their advertising, efforts need to be made to conduct keyword research, optimize product listings, and set up promotional ads, among others.

These efforts do yield favorable results for the audio company.


Even if keywords are ranking well in Google, PPC does allow a website to occupy even more real estate on the first page, thus enhancing brand authority while at the same time pushing competitors out of prominent search positions.

This indicates that by combining SEO and PPC, a person can effectively increase one’s brand awareness and aid business growth.